Friday, October 28, 2011

The Thrilling Sci-fi Reality of eReaders and eBooks

 The Thrilling Sci-fi Reality of eReaders and eBooks

          The grand benefits of reading novels via an electronic reader far exceed an old fashion paper book. You can adjust the size of the print to fit your eyes, no more losing your place, or storing your books on dusty book cases that take up space within your home. For those unfortunate people who do not have the eyesight to read, they can set the electronic reader to read aloud. Electronic readers are the imagined wonders of science fiction becoming a luxurious reality.     
         I'm a believer that any eBook sold for over five dollars is too doggone expensive! Being that I'm a sci-fi novelist, all my eNovels, such as my newest epic, 'They!' or my magnificent 'Apollo Trilogy Novels', sell for less than three dollars, so everyone can afford to read them. Especially in this appalling economic times which has been mostly caused by our misguided government who's been wasting our tax-money on ridiculous laws, bailouts, and failed loans to energy alternative companies.
            When you purchase an exciting eBook, you're not paying for paper, ink, printing, binding, and everyone who purchases an eBook is saving our beautiful trees.
         Many eBooks are overpriced because the worried paper book publishers are attempting to slow down the rapid growth of electronic readers and their Books. For many years, these paper book publishers have been ripping off their hard working authors, and rejecting many thousands of authors because they judge their work not to be a speedy, money making guarantee. They've also been over pricing their paper books so they can fill their greedy pockets with wealth, as if these publishers are managed by Feregi's Grand Negus Zek from Star Trek.
       There are also those many specialty publishing companies who cheat the authors, and some actually steal the author's novel, which is identical to stealing their dreams. One of the worst specialty publishing houses out there is 'Publish America'… They are pure evil! If you don't believe me, then please do a 'Publish America complaints and scams'…search on Google's engine.
          I highly advise every new author to stay far away from these specialty publishing companies, especially 'Publish America'. Don't even talk to them, because they'll suck you in like a swift talking, crooked car salesman. The industry of electronic readers and eBooks are quickly growing, the prices are dropping, and as far as I'm concerned, an eBook is now the best method to publish your work. There are new eBook businesses popping up that'll personally help you self-publish your eBook around the world within many eBook Stores. The price of this helpful service is a small percentage, much less than a on-their-way-out-of-business paper book publisher. I've been happily self-publishing my impressive sci-fi eBooks through the E-Novel Shop.    
        Personally, I will never pay over five dollars for an eBook. Not even if the new eNovel was written by the ghost of H.G. Wells. Also, I will never buy another paper book novel from a greedy publisher. 
      Like computers and the World Wide Web, eReaders and eBooks are our technological future. A future for greatly improving our lives and the lives of many generations to follow. As I said, the prices are dropping. This Christmas, Amazon Kindle is introducing a new line of wonderful Electronic Readers. Lighter, smaller, faster, with built in Wi-Fi, and two of them are under one hundred dollars.

Article by Chuck Keyes    

Friday, August 19, 2011

A New World of Publishing Is Emerging At a Rapid Rate

             This new world is electronic books, and right now the paper book publishers are biting their fingernails and pulling their hair out by the roots. They're simply not going to publish a new author's book without it being a sure fire bestseller, which only leaves you with all those many rip-off publishers, and the worse one of all is Publish America! They will steal your dreams, your novel, and they may never pay you any royalties. I welcome Publish America to come to Texas and try to sue me. They have so many complaints against them; they'd get laughed out of Texas.
        Yes, I know your dream is too hold your published paper novel in your hands, but the chance of this happening is like winning a ten million dollar lottery ticket. Of course, you can hire a printing house to print your novel, but there's no royalties in it for you.  
       Today, e-books are rapidly taking over the world like a colossal flash fire from our sun going nova. Paper books are rapidly dyeing off. They kill our trees, they're too costly, and most of the publishing houses are too greedy and too damn selective. You may not like what I'm saying, but it's true, and you can investigate it for yourself. E-books are already surpassing the sales of paper books within many book stores. The sales of electronic readers are rapidly increasing every day. Compared to a paper book, they're a jumbo banana split compared to an empty ice-cream cone.
            Please don't give up on your dream, because you can publish your novel worldwide. Although it does take a great deal of computer work and a lot of time to publish your novels worldwide within many e-book stores, such as Diesel, Google, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Sony, and many more. The problem is, almost each one of these electronic bookstores require a different format of your novel. But don't worry; there are trustful people out there who will do the work for you, such as Larry Larson: (Tel: 903-603-1116) …Thus giving you time to start your next bestselling novel. I trust Larry Larson because he's the agent who placed my e-novels worldwide.
           No, I'm sorry to say you can't hold your e-book in your hands like a paper book, and it'll probably make you feel like you're settling for phone sex, but if you price your e-novel low, and it becomes popular, you'll receive the royalties you deserve form your hard work. Plus…the most important fact, and that is: People are reading your novel!

Article by Chuck Keyes

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Fast Growing Reality of Electronic Books and Readers

      What do we have here? Obviously electronic books and readers are like the gates of hell opening up for the worldwide book publishers and printers.  For them, their world is rapidly shifting, and if they don't jump on the fast growing e-reader highway, their world is going to end.  Is this a bad thing? Hell no! Every year thirty million trees are used to produce books sold in just the United States. That's more than a thousand times the number of trees in New York's Central Park. Thirty million beautiful God giving trees that once supported nature's wildlife. Every time I read an e-novel on my e-reader, I know I'm saving trees, which are a wondrous gift for all to enjoy.  Read an e-novel and make the forest creatures dance with joy. For the first time in history, everyone can easily save our precious trees by purchasing an electronic reader, which also replaces bulky bookcases, and offers a much easier and fun way to read an captivating novel. If your aging eyes aren't as good as they use to be, just simply enlarge the print.  If you're blind, you can actually listen to your e-reader. What we have here is science fiction wonder turned into a wonderful realism for everyone to take pleasure in. Your e-books are drastically cheaper than paper books, thus quickly paying off your e-reader, depending on how many books you read every month.
          To have the ability to read a magnificent story is far better than waiting for the movie. Personally, I become much more involved with the characters when I can picture them in my mind's eye. They emotional touch my essence as if I'm telepathically mind-melding with them. Reading a novel allows you to use your creative imagination, therefore watching the imagined movie within your brain, and reading drastically increases your intelligence.
          Electronic technology at its super best. E-books and e-readers are rapidly encompassing the world, changing the way people read by adding pleasure to each word, and it offers a much easier way to store your favorite novels. Without the awful chore of dusting your bookcases or packing up all your paper books every time you decide to move. My friends, this technology is here to stay for my many generations, so say goodbye to tree killing paper books and join the e-reader bandwagon.

Article by Chuck Keyes 

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Rapidly Growing Phenomenon of e-Books

Electronic Books, the entertaining way to save our beautiful trees, which are one of nature's most amazing gifts. Electronic books and their amazing digital readers are stampeding around the world like billions of Texas cattle, and it's just the beginning. Compared to the new growth of a mighty oak tree, proudly spurting out of the ground; however, this oak tree is technologically energized, and it'll be a thousand feet tall within another year. Paper books will almost become obsolete, but don't think of this as being a bad thing.  We do have countless historian book collectors.
         No more frantically flipping through paper pages because you lost your place. No more damaging your novel by dog-earing the corner of the pages because you lost your bookmark. No more searching where to store your paper novel after your third or fourth colossal bookcase is packed solid with numerous sizes of books.
         This e-book phenomenon is not a fad like pet rocks, flip up headlights, and flower children. It's drastically altering every big business aspect of dealing with books. For those businesses who do not commit to this rapid technological change, billions of dollars will hastily change hands over the next few years. It's going to influence big business almost like converting every automobile engine over to hydrogen based cold-fusion systems that utilizes seawater for fuel.
         Being a sci-fi writer, I foresee e-Book coffee shops, e-book libraries, automated e-book vending machines where you plug in your digital reader to purchase wonderful novels stored within, and e-book school books, thus no more lugging those heavy books from class to class!   
         I'd love to observe the expression on Herbert's face if he could witness a young mind reading one of his famous science fiction novels on a digital reader, such as 'The Time Machine' or 'The War of the Worlds'.          
         People around the world are jumping on the e-book bandwagon faster than you can say 'e'. Modern day technology at its best, offering every human a much easier way to read, which is far better than mindlessly sitting googly-eyed in front of the boob-tube. Reading is like super exhilarating your brain with knowledge and emotions, via history, education, mystery, drama, science fiction, horror, love, and much, much more. Offering an infinite supply of electronic reading that you can take almost anywhere. Why it was just the other day when I witnessed a man lightly jogging while reading his digital reader.         The one thing I've always disliked is to pick up a paper book novel to find out the print is a little smaller, thus being out of focus for my older eyes, but low and behold, my amazing digital reader can enlarge the text. And for those whose eyes have unfortunately become useless for reading, their marvelous digital readers can read their favorite novels out loud, as if their a child listening to a wondrous bedtime story being read to them by their mother or father.
         Every day, the wonders of new technology affects our lives for good, and sometimes for bad. I know for a fact that e-Books are here to stay for a long time, offering our children and future generations a magnificent gift of knowledge and emotions.

Article by Chuck Keyes